The Earth is moving at 108,000 km/hr around the sun. The solar system is moving at 900,000 km/hr around the center of the galaxy which is a black hole so massive that if the sun fell into it it would collapse into a shape no bigger that the head of a pin. The galaxy is itself moving at 1,100,000 km/hr along with millions of other galaxies that form this, our neighborhood of galaxies,which we call the local group. If you stop for a moment and think about it, we are, every second of our lives shooting into the void at speeds that you cannot even begin to understand. And yet, we're still. Why? Maybe because the speed isn't so bad after all, and, if relativity is correct, they can all go to hell, we're not moving, they're moving. Those crazy stars are hurtling around at millions of kilometers per hour. But not us. If we so choose, we can be still and watch them. Tranquil, but only if we choose. If we don't, then we're just as raucous as they are, whizing through space at the mercy of unseen titanic forces. As I said before,all I know is nothing travels faster than the speed of light, so we might as well chill here, it's a nice night out.